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Feature Spotlight: Counterparty Screening in Bulk

02/09/24 4 minute read
As a business grows, so does its list of partners, customers, suppliers, vendors, and more. This complexity can create a logistical challenge for compliance teams that need to ensure their list of counterparties remains risk free.

Unfortunately for compliance teams, large companies often have thousands and thousands of counterparties which means that risk could be hiding anywhere. As governments continue to expand business regulations, it’s of utmost importance that compliance teams are able to understand risk within a customer list or supply chain with ease.

That’s where the Sayari Graph Batch Entity Upload feature comes in. Read on to learn how this feature is critical to scaling counterparty risk screening programs.

How Does Batch Entity Upload Work?

With this feature in Sayari Graph, screening is as easy as drag-and-drop. With the Batch Entity Upload feature, you can upload a CSV list of up to 25,000 entities – whether those are customers, suppliers, counterparties, or other parties of interest – and match them against Sayari’s extensive database of entities all at once.

Sayari’s interactive batch upload assistance allows you to easily spot formatting or other errors during the upload process and correct them proactively, ensuring data integrity and higher quality entity matching while reducing the need to reupload. Next, users review and validate the identified risk in their uploaded entity list.

Screening at Scale

Once your counterparty list is uploaded, this is where you speed up your investigative process and narrow your search to only the vendors or suppliers that could be posing a regulatory risk. With Sayari’s dashboard feature, you’ll have a birds eye view of the overall risk profile with breakouts by country and risk type. When you’re ready to begin adjudicating, navigate to the list view to get hands on and narrow down to the list of entities and risks most relevant to you and your business. While reviewing, add tags to entities to assign status and decisions to keep you and your team informed.

Sayari Graph has more than 65 Risk Factors and additional risk-relevant criteria sourced from existing and enriched risk intelligence data, including Sayari-Curated forced labor data from the Sheffield Hallam University Reports. Each entity in the platform gets screened against these risk factors to visually surface both obvious and, more importantly, non-obvious or emerging risk. Sayari’s Risk Factors don’t just screen for risk in your counterparty list, the billions of corporate and trade records in the platform also surfaces potential risks that could be coming from an entity’s ownership network or trade relationship.

View a full list of Sayari Graph Risk Factors here →

For continued monitoring, your list of target entities remains saved in the platform. Users will receive alerts when there is a change to an entity’s relationships or risk profile to ensure that teams remain aware of emerging risks.

Watch a sample supply chain investigation by one of our experts  →

Unlike other solutions that typically require months of implementation and hand-holding, Sayari Batch Entity Upload gets you up and running in only a few minutes. Want to try out Sayari Graph first hand to support your counterparty screening? Book a personalized demo to begin today.

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