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Sayari Awarded Contract with U.S. Department of Commerce for Enhanced Export Control Investigations

07/12/22 2 minute read

Sayari, a provider of global commercial data, has been awarded a contract with the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security to accelerate effective export control investigations globally. Sayari is headquartered in Washington, D.C., and its solutions are used by more than 3,000 frontline analysts in 35 countries. 

Sayari Graph, the company’s flagship product, provides access to dynamically collected and continuously updated corporate ownership and subsidiary information, and customs data from over 200 jurisdictions around the world. Visibility into opaque markets with a specific focus on strategic rivals, rogue regime governments, and permissive emerging markets exploited by transnational organized criminal networks makes Sayari a trusted data provider for government clients.  

Since its founding in 2015, Sayari has earned the trust of top financial institutions, Fortune 100 corporations, and government agencies, securing a $40M Series C in 2021. “We founded Sayari with the sole mission to harvest the world’s corporate information and unify it with a suite of network analytics to empower regulated industries and U.S. government partners,” said Sayari COO Benjamin Power. “We take great pride in being able to support the critical mission sets our U.S. government partners undertake everyday and we’re committed to helping them maintain their effectiveness.” 

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