Sayari User Summit and Symposium 2025 – Register Now


Export Controls Masterclass: Uncovering Chinese Military Companies

1 minute read

China’s military-industrial complex poses a serious threat to U.S. national security interests. The U.S. government has designated dozens of private Chinese military companies and said that there are hundreds more yet to be identified.

In this masterclass, Sayari analysts will cover how public data can help industry determine whether exports are at risk of ending up in the hands of Chinese military companies and comply with rapidly evolving export controls, covering:

  • How the Chinese military works through private companies (military-civil fusion)
  • Untangling complex U.S. watchlists, including NS-CMIC, Section 1260H, and BIS Military End User
  • Investigative techniques for identifying Chinese military companies using public records, with live examples

Watch this webinar to learn several practical techniques for detecting Chinese MEUs with Sayari Solutions Manager Colby Potter. Register today to comply with export controls and protect your organization from regulatory risk.