Using the Central Bank of Russia to Identify UBO

Ultimate beneficial ownership (UBO) can be one of the most difficult pieces of information to identify when investigating entities with a global network.

Follow these steps to identify a company’s UBO via the Central Bank of Russia.

Snippets From The Download:

How to find a Russian company’s UBO?

If a Russian financial institution is involved in a network of interest, Russian public records can help reveal a company’s UBO.

Inurl Search

The inurl search operator allows you to restrict Google search results for a query to a specific URL.

Russian Banks and Public Records

In Russia, banks — among other types of financial institutions — are required to publish disclosures about their financials, administration, and corporate footprint.
Fill out the form below:

About Sayari

Sayari empowers government and industry to protect finance, trade and security systems by illuminating the global commercial networks through connected public data and documents. Providing commercial intelligence data from over 250 jurisdictions worldwide, Sayari delivers the entity network visualizations and intuitive risk identifications that decision makers need to stay proactively informed and power safer global commerce.

Since its founding in 2015, Sayari has earned the trust of top financial institutions, Fortune 100 corporations and government agencies, securing a $40M Series C in 2021. Sayari is headquartered in Washington, D.C., and its solutions are used by more than 3,000 frontline analysts in 35 countries.