Sayari vs. Exiger

Comprehensive data, trusted by the Regulators

Instant access to comprehensive data in an easy-to-use lightweight SaaS platform, means your teams can make informed decisions using the same data trusted by the regulators.

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Sayari vs. Exiger

Trusted by the Regulators and the Regulated

Since our founding in 2015, Sayari has earned the trust of U.S. and international government agencies, Fortune 100 corporations, and top financial institutions. Our solutions are used by thousands of frontline analysts in 35 countries.

Better data in the places you need it most

In comparison to Exiger, Sayari has better data coverage in areas like China, Eastern Europe and Latin America, so there are fewer gaps in the data that powers your analysis.

Immediate value add

No more waiting weeks or months for insight. Sayari deploys quickly and is intuitive to use – first time users typically find their target of interest within their first five minutes.

Sayari provides seamless integration & deployment

With flexible deployment, easy integration, and the peace of mind that your data and insights are never shared, Sayari provides the enterprise-ready platform your investigative and analytical teams need.

Worldwide transparency at scale

Sayari illuminates the world’s commercial, trade, and supply chain networks with industry-leading coverage of global public data, even in opaque and emerging markets.

Technological advantage

We use graph technology to connect data on 1.1 billion companies and individuals from 250+ countries, extracted from over 3.6 billion structured and unstructured records and resolved through our custom-built entity resolution service.

Exposes hidden risk

Sayari automatically flags hidden risk with 90+ proprietary risk factors covering even the most complex threats buried deep within supply chains or nested structures.

Trusted by regulators and peers

Since our founding in 2015, Sayari has earned the trust of U.S. and international government agencies, Fortune 100 corporations, and top financial institutions. Our solutions are used by thousands of frontline analysts in 35 countries.

Built by experts like you

You deserve tools purpose-built by people who have been in the field. That’s why Sayari was founded.

Make decisions confidently

Sayari gives your team the full picture you need for more effective decisions, information sharing, and reporting.

Immediate value add

No more waiting weeks or months for insight. Sayari Graph deploys quickly and is intuitive to use – first time users typically find their target of interest within their first five minutes.

Free trial access

No need to take our word for it. We always offer our customers free access to experience Sayari’s value for themselves.

Deploys anywhere

Whether deployed as a SaaS solution in a public cloud, in your own instance in a private cloud, or as an on-premises application, Sayari Graph can meet the unique infrastructure and information security needs of your organization.

Save time in your workflows

Sayari automates data gathering and linking for analysts. Armed with powerful network analytics tools to explore our knowledge graph, your teams can uncover insights they have never found before and save time doing it.

Trade Analytics Resources


Investigative Techniques for Mitigating Xinjiang Forced Labor Risk Under the UFLPA

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Uncovering Chinese Military Companies: The Power of Public Data

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UFLPA Deep Dive: Your Top 12 Questions Answered

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