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Tip Sheets

Enhancing Investigations with Mexico’s Marcanet Trademark Registry

1 minute read

Enhancing Investigations with Mexico’s Marcanet Trademark Registry

Corporate filings in Mexico will often leave out valuable information, such as company identifiers and addresses.
Check out our latest Tip Sheet to learn how Mexico’s centralized corporate registry can help fill in the missing pieces.

Learn how Mexico’s centralized corporate registry can help fill in the missing pieces.

Snippets From The Download:

Personally Identifiable Information in Marcanet Trademark Filings:

Trademark filings in Marcanet often list the tax ID (RFC) and address of individuals and/or companies who serve as the registered holders of trademarks.

Company Incorporation Documents Appended to Trademark Applications:

In some cases, the original incorporation filings for companies that are trademark holders are appended to the trademark application.

Identifying individuals listed as legal representatives for trademarks may provide new leads to enhance your investigation.

About Sayari:

Sayari provides data intelligence platforms to power the fight against financial crime, increase corporate transparency in high-risk places, and support critical national security mission sets. The top global financial institutions, Fortune 100 corporations, financial crime regulators, and enforcement agencies in 35 countries trust Sayari every day